Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Still here

Well.... I suppose I am not a very good blogger. It has been several months since I have last written. Sorry about that! I went on vacation at the end of May and it seems like my summer is just flying by! Before I realize it I will be starting school again! :)

I decided to take the summer off and give my brain a much needed rest. Last semester was great, but very challenging. This summer is giving me the chance to unwind a bit so I am better prepared for this fall when I will be studying 24/7 yet again. :) Studying at Regent is certainly not easy, but I know that the education I am receiving is priceless. I can't wait until August... I am really missing school! :)

The picture is from my vacation to Las Vegas in May. My best friend and I went there for a few days of shopping and we also visited my Aunt that is currently living there. I have never seen anything like that city before. :) Everyone should experience it... at least once!
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