Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, January 25, 2008


This week, at least in my life, has been all about poetry. I'm taking British Literature from the 19th Century through the 21st Century and so far I am loving every minute of it. Not only is my professor fantastic, but the poems we are reading in class are amazing! I have never been much of a poetry connoisseur, however now I find myself reading poetry that is not assigned reading... and really enjoying it! I think that's because there are so many ways to interpret poetry. Each time you read something it can have a different meaning, or you can view it in a different perspective.

I bought a poetry book at a garage sale a few years ago. It has been collecting dust in my bookcase, but last night I felt the urge to take it out and read a bit. I read In Love for Long by Edwin Muir and have been thinking about it ever since. I know some people don't enjoy reading poetry... either that or they think it is "fake" and "mushy nonsense with no meaning". I think many of these attitudes have to deal with the cynicism of the world view now. These poems I have been studying lately... some were written about 200 years ago. Many of them deal with social injustices, religion, and love. The same issues that we all deal with today. There is a reason people still read them. There is a meaning in them that cannot be overlooked. Here are a few lines from the poem I mentioned above. Strip away the rose colored glasses of the world for a moment... and truly consider what these words mean to you....

This love a moment known
For what I do not know
And in a moment gone
Is like the happy doe
That keeps its perfect laws
Between the tiger's paws
And vindicates its cause.

- In Love for Long
by Edwin Muir

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about my dreams and goals for the future lately. God has placed a few dreams very dear to my heart and one of the reasons I am here at Regent is to try and fulfill them. Last semester, since it was my very first one, I made a little "progress chart" for myself. I placed little stars next to the subject name whenever I got an A or did good on something. It really helped me stay motivated and kept me focused on achieving my ultimate goal: finishing college and working as hard as I can.

This semester I have done the same thing, however God led me to write something on my little encouragement chart that I had never thought to put on there before. He told me to write the words "DON'T GIVE UP" above my class names. Kind of scared me at first. I thought last semester was hard, now God seems to be telling me this one is going to be even harder! :) But as this first week of school winds to a close, I have found myself looking at that quote and feeling relieved. When I'm up late at night, studying biology, I glance over at God's encouragement and smile. He is always with me and He will never give me anything that I cannot handle. He wants us to fulfill our dreams and goals, because he placed them in our hearts for a reason.

Sometimes it is easy to get stressed out and worried the first week of school (trust me when I say I know how that feels). But it's always important to remember He is the one in charge... and He loves you more than words can say. I heard a song on the radio today that I found incredibly inspiring. I'll close with some lyrics of it....

I, I am small but
You, You are big enough
I, I am weak but
You, You are strong enough to
Take my dreams
Come and give them wings
Lord with You
There’s nothing I can not do
Nothing I cannot do

- Set the World on Fire
by Britt Nicole
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