Sorry it has been so long since I have been on here! Last fall was C-R-A-Z-Y! My life has slowed down as much as can be expected when I am still in school. :)
This summer I am taking Worldviews and American Literature from the Beginnings through the Civil War. Both classes are extremely interesting. Worldviews can be difficult to understand sometimes, but so far so good! I just finished my rough draft research paper on Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" for my Lit class. I had my ever-faithful editor extraordinaire (aka Ashleigh) read it over and she gave me a wonderfully helpful critique (with hilarious post-it comments). I tend to get a little stressed during school (and by little I mean a lot), but I am trying to work on that. We can only do the best we can do, right? :)
I am on Twitter now if you want to follow me! My page for that is Check it out! :)
Talk to you again soon!
(BTW- The picture is from a recent vacation I took to Portland, Oregon to see my little nephew Jonathan.) :)